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About Josh

Joshua grew up in North Carolina and in a small city called Cleveland, TN. Since both his parents were dancers when they were young, Joshua developed an interest in dance at a young age. He was inspired by the fact that his older brother also started taking dance classes. At first Josh wanted to be like his older brother, but soon realized that he was the only boy in a class full of girls and that he could get used to. He also starred in his 3rd grade play and performed for an auditorium full of people. He was a natural singer too. After he won a talent contest in his 5th grade class, he performed to a full crowd in the gym for the Parent Teacher Association. After hearing the applause and the reaction to his kick ass rendition of “The Greatest American Hero” theme song (dance break included), Josh was hooked. He caught the performance bug and began auditioning for every play or musical that came along up through high school. He also started singing in a cover band and starred in many high school shows. Not only did this solidify his passion for performing, but it gave him the confidence boost that led him to audition for a musical theater performing arts school in New York City. The school was called A.M.D.A and they accepted Josh into their two year program. Josh could not have been more excited to move to NY by himself at 18 years. With wide eyed optimism and dreams of becoming a working actor, he actually saw this dream come to life. Almost immediately following graduation, Josh started working Off-Broadway in “The Fantasticks”. This was the longest running musical in history and he played Matt (The Boy) opposite some incredible talents. After a few years of doing eight shows a week, Josh was ready to spread his wings. He had a few other great gigs including one job at Lincoln Center where he understudied the lead role and two other roles in Eugene O’Neill’s Tony nominated classic “Ah, Wilderness!”

Unfortunately, Josh never got to strut in this show but he did get pretty good at playing UNO with his fellow understudies. Well, it didn’t take long before the struggles of living in NY brought Josh to the west coast so he could learn how to struggle in LA. He was able to book a few little films here and there, but mostly waited tables while working on writing scripts. Living the typical Hollywood cliche lifestyle soon became a whirlwind of parties and drinking. Josh had been a casual drinker since high school, but now was making it a full time job. It was just sort of what everyone did so it didn’t seem like a problem for many years. One day, a script that he wrote with a couple of actor friends actually got the funding needed to make the movie. This was a huge deal in LA because it’s almost impossible to get a movie made without any big stars attached. Aside from Broadway credits, none of the cast were “names” by any means. We were all just trying to make our way into film so we were stoked when someone actually took a chance and wrote a check.


Well, the movie finally got made and it played a few festivals. It now lives on YouTube and is called “Farm Girl in New York”. It’s actually a pretty fun little independent romantic comedy although not too many have seen it. But that’s ok because the guys were just excited to get the film made. The lack of enthusiasm for our little film became obvious which was quite frustrating considering how much effort was put into it. Many more years of drinking and waiting tables finally caught up to Josh. After some terrible drunken decisions, he decided it was time to throw in the towel on LA. But more importantly, he decided to throw in the towel on drinking alcohol. This turned out to be one of the best life changing decisions he ever made and it changed his life. Once the booze was gone, Josh began to see life in a whole new way. It wasn’t about him anymore and he wanted others to understand how much better life could be without booze. He went down a road of health and wellness and attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) to become a health coach. While attending IIN, he also wrote the book “How to Be a Better You (without booze)” and decided that he wanted to help creative men like himself face their demons with alcohol. *Josh realized that shifting his patterns and implementing simple healthy habits can lead to a much more fulfilling life.  Thus, How to Be a Better You was born. If you are here reading this, and you feel like booze has slowly taken over your life, then Josh may be able to help guide you in the right direction. If you are ready, that is. Josh is sharing the knowledge gained over the years, and offering mentorship to those who may also want to change the course of their current patterns... Let me help you help yourself. Life can be so much better. If you want it to be. But... it starts with You.     bff

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