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Sat on the Rocks


How to Be a Better You

I’m so glad you found me in this virtual world.


Although, I truly hope that you are here for you not me. I am simply here as a concierge on your journey of life.


If you’re a single creative man over 30 and have issues with alcohol, then this is the place for you. That’s not to say that others are not welcome here, but my main focus is on men like me. Men who have been drinking for way too long and are ready to make a change in their lives. Creative artists who have allowed alcohol to continue to be a major player in their daily decision making process. Perhaps your life is not “out of control” yet. Or maybe you just haven’t realized how much alcohol is negatively impacting your life and those around you. Bad habits are extremely hard to break once they become habits.


The good news is that healthy habits can replace these bad habits and make a HUGE difference in how you approach the world.


Better yet, these healthy habits will affect how the world approaches you.


When I was a drinker I often felt like the world was against me and that everything was happening TO me. When in reality everything was happening FOR me.


I couldn’t see that then because my vision was clouded by this ridiculous substance that’s become culturally normalized.


Alcohol kills more people than all other drugs combined.


Why is it that we continue to praise booze and shun all these incredible plant medicines that actually help people? Well I don’t know the answer to this question, but what I do know is that my life improved exponentially once I removed alcohol from the equation.


And your life will improve too if you choose to raise your consciousness and elevate your soul.


However, as long as booze has you under its spell, you will continue down the path you’re on. But if you can break the spell, you will expand beyond your wildest dreams.


If this sounds like something that interests you, then I would love to help show you

How to Be a Better You. Today.   

Ready to Throw the Towel In?


If this resonates with you, I would like to invite you to register for my Free Online Masterclass


In my webinar I will share with you the 5 discoveries that helped me quit booze for good!

If you feel excited about your new journey now, book a call with me. Let's chat and I'll help you get started on.

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